February 2023 Minutes
An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council
Held on Monday 13th February 2023
Beginning at 7.15 pm
St Peter’s Church High Street Newton
01.01 Those Present.
Cllr B. Goodacre. Chairman.
Cllr A. Arden.
Cllr M. Maddison.
Cllr J. Stringer.
Cllr R. Spink.
01.02 Apologies for Absence.
Cllr J. Cheetham: Having been informed of the reason for her absence, Council approved her apologies for absence.
Cllr E. Thompson: No apologies received.
01.03 Declarations of Interest.
None received.
01.04 Approval of the Minutes.
Resolved: That the Minutes of the last meeting, held on Monday 12th December 2022, be approved as a true record.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
01.05 Matters Arising.
None received.
01.06 Amendments to the Agenda by resolution.
Fund Raising for Parishes:
EASTCO is a company involved in the recycling of clothing. They will leave one of their banks at a convenient site in the Parish. Any clothing left in the Bank will be recycled and a payment given to the Parish.
The Clerk will contact the company for more information and a possible siting for the Bank.
01.07 New Build Changing Rooms on the Playing Field.
It has been discovered that if the playing field was registered as Village Green land when it was given by West Lindsey District Council to replace land lost in the building of the A57, the Parish Council does not have the legal right to agree to the building of any permanent structure on the site.
Resolved: That the quotation for researching the above, received from Burton Dyson, be approved.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
01.08 New Village Signs.
Council is considering the purchase of new Village Name signs for the A1133 and A57 entrances to the village.
Resolved: That Cllr Good acre will contact manufacturers for a quotation to supply, and possibly instal, the new signs, which will be based on the existing sign at the junction of High Street with Dunham Road.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
01.09 Planning.
146153. Council has no objection to the application.
02.10 Scheme of Delegation.
Resolved: That Councillors, with Council approval, undertake to deal with items of Council business and report back to Council at the monthly meetings.
Standing Order 25 will be used as the basis for the scheme.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
02.11 Highways Matters.
Possibility of having a reduction of the speed limit on the A57 as it passes the village. Despite the recent work installing screens there are still accidents at the A57 A1133 junction.
Cllr Arden will approach Cllr Butroid for a possible meeting / decision.
02.12 Possible Future Events in the Community.
Great British Tidy Up: Cllr Thompson.
As Cllr Thompson is absent this will be deferred to a later meeting.
02.13 Footpath Around the Perimeter of the Village.
The Clerk will try to ascertain the total cost of providing a footpath.
Use / Footfall will have a large impact on the Council’s ability to attract funding for such a project.
02.14 Play Park.
a. Litter & Litter Bins. Acceptable.
b. Other Issues.
Ropes on some of the older equipment have become very worn and need to be replaced.
Cllr Spink will look into the possibility of repair or replacement.
02.15 Health and Safety.
a. Play Park. No issues.
b. Playing Field. No issues.
02.16 Newton News.
Defer to a later meeting.
02.17 Facebook.
Content will be uploaded as and when necessary.
02.18 Correspondence.
No comments,
02.19 Finance.
a. Monthly Financial Statement.
Resolved. That the monthly financial Statement be approved as a true record.
Proposed Seconded. Carried unanimously.
b. Clerk’s Salary and Expenses. £201.70
Resolved. That the Clerk’s Salary and Expenses be approved for payment.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
c. Invoices for Payment.
PAYE £48.60
Continental Landscapes. £90.00
LALC Training. £120.00
LALC Membership. £146.07
Resolved: That the above expenditure, at 02.19.c, be approved for payment.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
d. Parish Debit card.
A new mandate form for Parish Councils needs to be completed.
02.20 Future Agenda Items.
None received.
02.21 Dates for Future Meetings.
Monday 13th March 2023.
Monday 10th April 2023.
Monday 15th May 2023,
03.22 Closure of the Meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 20.50 hrs. (8.50 pm).