December 2021 Minutes
An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 13th December 2021 beginning at 7.00 pm
St Peter’s Church High Street Newton
41.01 Those Present.
Cllr B. Goodacre. Chairman.
Cllr A. Arden.
Cllr R. Spink.
Cllr E. Thompson.
41.02 Apologies for Absence.
Cllr J. Stringer: Having been informed of the reason for his absence, Council approved his apologies for absence.
Cllr M. Maddison: Having been informed of the reason for her absence, Council approved her apologies for absence.
Cllr J. Cheetham: Having been informed of the reason for her absence, Council approved her apologies for absence.
41.03 Declarations of Interest.
None received.
41.04 Approval of the Minutes.
Resolved: That the Minutes of the last meeting, held on Monday 11th October 2021, be approved as a true record.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
41.05 Matters Arising.
None received.
41.06 Co-option of a new Councillor.
The candidate is absent from the meeting.
41.07 Planning.
143676. Council did not register any objections to this planning application.
41.08 Newton on Trent Primary School. Project on the Playing Field.
No representatives attended the meeting.
41.09 Replacement Seats for the Villages.
Resolved: That the Clerk order two Marmax sloper seats to be installed in the Play Park and the junction of High Street with the A1133.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
41.10 Maintenance Inspections. Defibrillator.
The defibrillator is now back online, after its recent use, and registered as such with the ambulance service.
41.11 Verge Maintenance.
Of four contractors contacted only one, Continental Landscapes, has offered a quotation. This is being followed up with a possible site visit in the near future.
42.12 Solar project Cottam and West Burton.
Remove from the Agenda.
42.13 Play Park.
a. Litter & Litter Bins.
b. Quotations for Painting Play Park Fence.
Resolved: That the quotation from Clifton Services be approved.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
The clerk will contact Clifton Services in due course.
c. New Play Equipment.
The Clerk is to meet with a representative of Eibe in the near future.
d. Other Issues.
Repairs to the gates have now been completed.
The rotten panel attached to the inside of the fence, adjacent to Dunham Road, has now been removed.
The painting of the bus shelter will be looked at again once the painting of the Play Area fence has been completed.
42.14 Health and Safety.
a. Play Park.
Cllr Spink will look at the Rocking Duck equipment.
b. Playing Field.
The Clerk will ask DWG Groundcare if they can trim back the hedge on the side of the Playing Field which is adjacent to the A1133.
42.15 Newton News.
a. Councillors will collect copy from Cllr Maddison.
b. As usual.
c. Copies of the Lincolnshire Care Services Directory will be delivered with the Newton News.
42.16 Facebook.
Content uploaded as and when required.
42.17 Correspondence.
No comments.
42,18 Finance.
a. Resolved: That the Financial Statement for November 2021 be approved as a true record.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
b. Clerk’s Salary & Expenses…………………£207.81
Resolved: That the Clerk’s Salary and Expenses be approved for payment.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
c. Invoices for Payment
HMRC PAYE……………....................................……£48.60
Community Heartbeat………...................…………£273.60
Resolved: That the above expenditure at 41.18.c be approved for payment.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
d. The Precept Claim for was duly signed and approved.
43.19 Future Agenda Items.
None received.
43.20 Dates for Future Meetings.
Monday 14th February 2022.
Monday 14th March 2022.
43.21 Closure of the Meeting.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20 pm.