April 2021 Minutes



An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

Held on Monday 12th April 2021.

Beginning at 7.00 pm

Zoom Technology

23.01   Those Present.

Cllr B. Goodacre.                               Chairman.

Cllr A. Arden.

Cllr M. Maddison.

Cllr R. Spink.

Cllr E. Thompson.

Cllr Stringer.

Mr R. Pilgrim.                                     Parish Clerk.

23.02   Apologies for Absence.

Cllr Ellis. Having been informed of the reason for her absence, Council approved her apologies for absence.

23.04   Approval of the Minutes.

Resolved. That the Minutes of the last meeting, held on Monday 8th March 2021, be approved as a true record.

Proposed.    Seconded.    Carried unanimously.

23.05   Matters Arising.

None received.

23.06   Planning Applications.

Storage Shed Southmoor Road – Change of Use.

Council has opposed this application on grounds that the original planning application was granted for an agricultural storage shed. The present owner has carried on a business at the site and now, having been challenged by the Parish Council through Planning Enforcement, applies for a change of use. Council is concerned that this device should not be used in the future to bring none-agricultural businesses into a rural setting. Council is also concerned that should permission be granted the business must be in possession of all the required paperwork needed to carry on the business in a proper manner.

23.07   Loneliness in the Parish,

Cllr Thompson has been working on this project. Please find her report attached to these Minutes.

23.08   Formation of a Litter Picking Group within the Parish.

There is support for the project in the Parish. However, a group cannot be formed safely at the present time. It is intended that Cllr Thompson will pursue this once Covid-Restrictions have been relaxed.

23.09   Dog Fouling. Possible ways to improve the situation.

It has been suggested that a poster campaign should be launched to bring this problem to the attention of all dog owners in the Parish. Cllr Goodacre is to design a poster which can be displayed either in a suitable window, or at the edge of a property where an occupier is concerned about the level of dog faeces in the area. The designs will be discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Council. Monday 3rd May 2021.

23.10   Siting of a Bench Outside Number 33 High Street.

An Elector has suggested that a bench should be placed in the general area of the telephone box. There has been a bench in this area in the past, however, it was removed as it became a focal point in the area and began to disrupt the lives of residents, with children climbing on the wall and depositing litter in the garden of number 33 High Street. The noise associated with this was also a distraction for local residents. Council is reluctant to replace the bench lest it should encourage a repeat of the previous problem. Also, there are existing seats around the Parish which need replacement or repair, and it has been decided that these six existing seats should be made good or replaced before a new bench is considered.

24.11   Play Park.

a. Litter and Litter Bins. Acceptable.

The old square, open topped bins have now been removed.

b. New Play Equipment. Council has considered a new traditional slide and a possible zip wire as well as some form of roundabout. The Clerk will research the availability and pricing of the above, if possible, in time for the next meeting, Monday 3rd May 2021.

c. Damage caused by recent spraying activities. Large areas of grass around the Play Park have been damaged whilst spraying in a high wind. The contractor has been contacted and has offered to overseed the areas as soon as possible.

d. Other Issues. None received.

24.12   Health and Safety.

a. Play Park. Issues identified are being dealt with.

b. Playing Field. None reported.

24.13   Newton News.

a. Content. Defer until the next meeting. Next edition will be in July 2021.

b. Distribution. As usual.

24.14   Correspondence.

No comments.

24.15   Finance.

a. Financial Statement.

Resolved. That the Financial Statement for March be approved as a true record.

Proposed.    Seconded.    Carried unanimously.

b. Clerks Salary and Expenses.                                                                       £234.37

Resolved. That the Clerk’s salary and expenses be approved.

Proposed.    Seconded.    Carried unanimously.

c. Invoices for Payment.

HMRC PAYE                                                                                                 £48.40

Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils                                                   £102.00

Mr Mark Driver. New Notice Board.                                                             £1180.00

MKS Groundcare.                                                                                          £162.00

Pelican Trust.                                                                                                  £40.50

Resolved. That the expenditure at 24.15.c. be approved for payment.

Proposed.    Seconded.    Carried unanimously.

24.16   Future Agenda Items.

Planters in the Village.

NALC initiative for young people.

24.17   Dates for Future Meetings.

Resolved. That due to government regulations regarding Zoom meetings, the Annual General Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting will be moved to Monday 3rd May 2021.

Proposed Cllr Goodacre.    Seconded Cllr Arden.    Carried unanimously.

Monday 14th June 2021.

Monday 12ht July 2021.

24.18   Closure of the Meeting.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2015 hrs. (8.15 pm).


Approval of the Minutes.

