February 2022 Agenda



Councillors are summoned to attend.


To be held on Monday 14th February 2022.

Beginning at7.00 pm.

St Peter’s Church, High Street, Newton on Trent.

Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend.

  1. Those Present.
  2. Apologies for Absence.
  3. Declarations of Interest.
  4. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Ordinary Meeting. Monday 13th December 2021.
  5. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the last meetings and not included in this Agenda.
  6. Co-option of a new member.
  7. Planning.
  8. Newton on Trent Primary School. Project at the Playing Field.

a. Suggest this be removed from the agenda until such a time as the school make contact again.

b. Suggest that the Parish purchase the unit and rent to the school or community.

  1. Free Trees. Queens Green Canopy - Jubilee. Cllr Thompson / Cllr Ellis.
  2. Letter of thanks to Newton Primary School for their Litter Picking.
  3. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Possible event for the village,

Cllr Thompson to attend a meeting of the Community Group, and report back to the Parish Council.

  1. Verge Maintenance. Change of Contractor for 2022 season.
  1. Quotation for approval.
  1. Play Park.
  1. Litter & Litter Bins.
  2. New play equipment.
  3. Other issues:
  • The gate from Dunham Close is missing the striking post.
  • Bus shelter due for painting.
  1. Health and Safety.
  1. Play Park.
  2. Playing Field.
  3. RoSPA Reports. Outstanding items.
  1. Newton News.
  1. Content.
  2. Distribution.
  3. Delivery of Lincolnshire Care Services Directory.
  1. Facebook Page.
  2. Correspondence.
  3. Finance.
  1. Financial Statement January 2022.
  2. Clerk’s Salary & Expenses January 2022.
  3. Invoices for Payment February 2022.
  4. Possible donation to LIVES.
  5. Cost of event insurance for the proposed concert in the Church.
  1. Future Agenda Items.
  2. Dates for Future Meetings.

Monday 14 February 2022.

Monday 14 March 2022.

Monday 11 April 2022.

  1. Closure of the Meeting.