February 2021 Agenda



Councillors are summoned to attend


To be held on Monday 8TH February 2021

Beginning at 1900 hrs

Zoom Technology

Members of the Public and Press are cordially invited to attend

Before the meeting begins there will be a Public Forum lasting approximately fifteen minutes

  1. Those Present.
  2. Apologies for Absence.
  3. Declarations of Interest.
  4. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting. Monday 14th December 2020.
  5. Matters Arising.
  6. Parish Review / Neighbourhood Plan.                                                10 minutes.
  7. Planning Applications.

Storage Shed Southmoor Road. Change of Use. Cllr Ellis.

142026: Planning Application. Naylor’s Hill. Poultry Units.

142172. Redundant workshop conversion.

142037. Downlands 5 The Grove Window Replacement.

  1. Dipper Lane. Installation of a security gate.                                      Cllr Arden.
  2. New Notice Board.                                                                             Cllr Arden.
  3. Loneliness in Newton on Trent. Good Neighbour Scheme.               Cllr Thompson.
  4. Broadband services in the Village.                                                     Cllr Thompson.
  5. Formation of a Litter Picking group in the Parish.                             Cllr Thompson.
  6. Dog Fouling in the Parish. Possible ways to improve the situation. Cllr Thompson.
  7. Play Park:
  1. Litter and Litter Bins.
  2. Other Issues.
  1. Health and Safety:
  1. Play Park. RoSPA Issues reported. Cllr Arden.

  2. Playing Field.
  1. Correspondence.
  2. Finance:
  1. Financial Statement December 2020 & January 2021.
  2. Clerk’s Salary & Expenses December 2020 & January 2021.
  3. Invoices for Payment February 2021.
  4. Quotation CSA Dog Bags for Approval.
  5. Quotation Moulds Fencing Pedestrian Gate Playing Field.
  1. Future Agenda Items.
  2. Dates for Future Meetings.

Monday 8 March 2021.

Monday 12 April 2021.

Monday 10 May 2021. AGM & APM.

  1. Closure of the Meeting.

Mr R. Pilgrim.

Parish Clerk.

If you would like to attend the meeting please contact the Parish Clerk who will issue an invitation.


01427 718388 answerphone.