October 2024 Agenda
Councillors are summoned to attend.
To be held on Monday 14th October 2024.
Beginning at7.00 pm.
St Peters Church high Street Newton on Trent
Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend.
144 Those Present.
145 Apologies for Absence
146 Declarations of Interest
147 Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting. Monday 9th September 2024.
148 Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Last meeting not covered in this Agenda.
149 Amendments to the Agenda by Resolution.
149 Memorial Bench on the verge. High Street. Electors request.
150 Bus Shelter. Painting. Schedule of Maintenance.
151 Create a WhatsApp group for the Parish Council
152 Project on the Playing Field. Progress Report.
153 One Earth Solar Projects.
154 Highways Issues.
a. Footpath to Dunham Bridge.
b. Footpath Clearance adjacent to the Old Vicarage.
c. Missing lamp standard Dunham Road.
155 Planning.
156 Play Park.
a. Litter & Litter Bins
b. Play Equipment Report. Schedule of Maintenance.
c. Other Matters.
Fence inspection. Schedule of Maintenance.
d. RoSPA Play Safety Reports 2024.
157 Health & Safety.
a. Play Park.
b. Playing Field.
Hedge Trimming. Adjoining A1133. Continental Landscapes
c. Defibrillator.
158 Facebook Page.
Possible suggestions for content.
159 Correspondence.
160 Finance.
a. Financial Statement for September 2024.
b. Clerk’s Salary & Expenses September 2024.
c. Invoices for Payment October 2024.
161 Future Agenda Items.
162 Dates for Future Meetings
Monday 11th November 2024.
Monday 9th December 2024.
Monday 10th February 2024.
163 Closure of the Meeting.