February 2025 Agenda
Councillors are summoned to attend AN ORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING
To be held on Monday 10th February 2025.
Beginning at7.00 pm.
St Peters Church high Street Newton on Trent
Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend.
1. Those Present.
2. Apologies for Absence.
3. The Chairman will suspend the meeting for 15 minutes to allow for a public forum.
4. Declarations of Interest.
5. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting. Monday 16th December 2024
6. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting. (Not covered in this Agenda).
7. Amendments to the Agenda by Resolution.
8. Purchase of a computer and data backup contract for the use of the Clerk
9. Memorial Bench on the Verge. An electors request.
10. Bus shelter. General maintenance. Painting.
i. For Approval. The purchase of 5 Litres. Sikkens Filter 7.
ii. For Approval. Bench to be installed in the Bus Shelter.
11. Playing Field. Vegetation damage to fencing and buildings at an adjacent property.
12. Project on the Playing Field. Install changing room/hospitality facilities.
13. One Earth Solar Project.
14. Highways Issues.
a. Footpath to Dunham Bridge. Land ownership
Result of a search through Land Agency.
b. Missing Lamp standard. Dunham Road.
15. Planning.
16. Play Park
a. Litter & Litter Bins.
b. Play Equipment Report.
c. Possible contractor to complete maintenance works as per the RoSPA report 2024.
d. RoSPA Play Safety Report 2024.
e. Other Matters.
17. Health & Safety.
a. Play Park.
b. Playing Field.
c. Defibrillator.
18. Facebook Page.
a. Possible suggestions for content.
19. Correspondence.
20. Finance.
a. Financial Statement December/ January 2024.
b. Clerk’s Salary & Expenses December/January 2024.
c. Invoices for Payment February 2025.
d. LCC Grass Cutting Agreement 2025. Areas Agreed.
21. Future Agenda Items.
22. Dates for Future Meetings.
a. Monday 10th March 2025.
b. Monday 14th April 2025.
c. Monday 12th May 2025.
23. Closure of the Meeting.