MARCH 2020
Held on Monday 9th March 2020
Beginning at 7.00 p.m.
St Peter’s Church, High Street, Newton on Trent.
04.01 Those Present:
Cllr B. Goodacre. Chairman.
Cllr A. Arden.
Cllr J. Stringer.
Cllr R. Bridge.
Mr N. Smelt.
Mr M. Spink.
Mr R. Pilgrim. Parish Clerk.
04.02 Apologies for Absence:
Cllr M. Maddison. Having been informed of the reason for her absence, Council approved her apologies for absence.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
04.03 Declarations of Interest:
None received.
04.04 Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting:
Resolved: That the Minutes of the last meeting, held on Monday 10th February 2020, be approved as a true record.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
04.05 Matters Arising:
None received.
04.06 Parish Review:
Cllr Bridge requested that, under GDPR regulations, Council ask Community Lincs to delete all records they hold concerning the Parish Review and issue an assurance that this has been done.
04.07 Planning Issues:
Storage Shed Southmoor Road: Please see attached correspondence with Planning Enforcement.
The Clerk will contact Planning Enforcement again for a further progress report.
04.08 Verge Maintenance:
a) Drainage Hall Farm: Under Fix My Street the work has been scheduled to take place during April. This will include jetting the system.
b) Drainage A1133: The Road / verge adjacent to the Playing Field.
The road / verge from the Sunshine Club to Laughterton.
For both of the above the clerk will contact Cllr Butroid for a progress report.
c) Fallen Trees Southmoor Road: Cllr Arden suggested that instead of just clearing the site Council should get contractors to create a “beetle bank” out of the bulk of the material on site. The remainder to be disposed of.
Resolved: That Council approve Cllr Arden’s suggestion concerning the creation of a “beetle bank” instead of site clearance.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
05.09 Kiosk Interior:
The Youth Offending Service is to assess the work needed to see if it would be possible for them to do the work safely.
05.10 New Notice Board:
Cllr Arden has spoken to the contractor.
The construction of the notice board is underway and will be completed as soon as possible.
05.11 Play Park:
a) Litter And Litter Bins: Acceptable.
b) Old Bins to be used as Planters: The clerk has taken advice and it would seem that the old bins are not strong enough to support the weight of soil and planting. It would be better if the old bins were removed and replaced with proper concrete planters.
Resolved: That the existing bins be removed as soon as possible.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
c) Other Issues: None reported.
05:12 Health and Safety:
- The stile at the Play Park is moving when used. Cllr Goodacre will inspect and report back to Council.
- No issues reported.
05.13 Newton News:
a) Content: Possible edition containing information taken from the Parish Review.
b) Distribution: As usual.
The clerk will forward a copy of the Newton News to Cllr Ellis for her records.
05.14 Annual Parish Meeting:
Council is considering holding an event which will allow organisations within the village to issue a report concerning their activities over the last twelve months. Refreshments will be provided
05.15 Correspondence:
No comments.
05.16 Finance:
Resolved: That item 16.d. be held in closed session.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
a) Financial Statement for February 2020.
Resolved: That the Financial Statement for February 2020 be approved as a true record.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
- Clerk’s Salary & Expenses: £200.81
Resolved: That the Clerk’s Salary and Expenses for February be approved.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
- Invoices for Payment:
HMRC PAYE £48.60
Pelican Trust. £40.50
Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils. £142.88
Newton on Trent PCC. £40.00
MKS Groundcare. £584.40
Resolved: That the Expenditure at 05.16.c. be approved.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
- Presentation of Medallions for leaving Councillors Mr P. Wright and Mr I Snowley.
After a lengthy discussion concerning recent events it was decided as follows: -
Resolved: That the usual presentation of medallions to leaving Councillors, in recognition of service to the Parish, be suspended on this occasion.
Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.
A report will be attached to these Minutes.
06.17 Future Agenda Items:
None requested.
06.18 Dates for future Meetings:
Monday 13th April 2020.
Monday 11th May2020. Annual General Meeting. Annual parish Meeting.
Monday 8th June 2020.
06.19 Closure of the Meeting: There being no further business the meeting was closed at 20.10 (08.10pm).
Approval of the Minutes